Simple and Secure

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Forfront Ltd, makers of e-shot has been awarded ISO 27001:2013  (certificate number 207718/A/0001/UK/En) for the following activities: 

Provision of Marketing Automation Platform and Bespoke Software Solutions.  

ISO 27001:2013, the international standard for information security management systems (ISMS).  Established by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the ISO 27001 certification requires the assessment of an organisation’s information security management controls. 

The ISO 27001 certification establishes a leadership commitment to the ISMS by ensuring proper organisational obligations to awareness, communication, personnel and objectives in relation to our services, in particular the marketing automation platform e-shot.  

Forfront has always been committed to security and followed best practice to ensure all information security management is robust. Using the ISO 27001 model we were able to systematise the work we were already undertaking. By achieving the certification we can now more effectively demonstrate our commitment to security to our customers and partners.  

We were particularly proud of the feedback provided by the URS Lead Auditor at our certification audit. The following is directly quoted from the Audit Report; 

“Noteworthy effort:   

  • High level of awareness and understanding of the importance of Information Security from top management to employees   

  • High level of human resource management in relation to information security (Employee handbook, detailed procedures related to employees entering and leaving the company)   

  • Very strict policy in relation to IT support and maintenance (all resources inside the company)  

  • Very detailed and specific IS policies  

Management has clear vision of ISMS development in the future and activities that need to be done. Ambitious but realistic ISMS objectives confirm this” 

We are delighted that this accreditation will further inspire confidence in our customers and partners that we will meet their needs and expectations for security controls and information handling and look forward to adding this information to our various framework listings including G-Cloud and NHS SBS. 

You can find out further details on our registration on UKAS CertCheck