
CATEGORY: Automation

5 reasons why email automation is good for business

5 reasons why email automation is good for business

Marketing automation is a combination of software and strategy that work together to create relevant, personalized emails. In this way, marketing automation strategy can help you convert prospects to customers more efficiently, as well as keep your current customers engaged and happy. When done right, marketing automation can boost a company’s revenue and dramatically increase email-marketing return on investment 

Here are some of the benefits of email automation workflows.

1.     It’s automatic

One of the biggest benefits of email workflows is they are automatic. After they've been set up, you can choose a specific criteria to trigger the workflows. You don't need someone to click send and you can rely on the email automation to work 24/7.

2.     Nurture leads

Use email to nurture your leads. Often a lead that downloads a free how-to guide from your website is not ready to talk to your sales team yet. Email workflows can nurture your lead by sending them helpful information by email. If these emails are relevant and engaging, the contact will learn more about your business and service, and be more receptive when they are approached by your sales team.

3.     Increase brand awareness

When the email contact receives helpful and relevant emails from your workflow, they will naturally have a greater awareness and understanding of your business. So, when it's time for a salesperson to contact them, they will know exactly who and what your business is, and they will likely be more interested in what you've got to say.

4.     Benefit the sales team

When your lead has read and engaged with your content, they understand more about your business and are likely to be more receptive when your sales person calls and are more interested in what your business has to offer.

5.     Saving resource

Email automation can save time and money, even act as another member of your marketing team. Marketing automation can give you long term results without the need for extra manpower. Spend some time setting up these triggered campaigns and after a few months you could be sending hundreds of campaigns each day on autopilot.

And a few ways you can increase their efficacy

1.     Increase engagement by getting personal

If you are walking down the street are you more likely to respond to someone shouting “hey you” or addressing you by name. The same is true with email marketing. Personalisation is key, marketing emails with a personalised subject line have a 26% higher open rate than those without any personalisation, and personalised content can have an interaction rate six times higher than those that don’t.

2.    Boost customer lifetime value through up-sells and cross-sells

By setting up automated triggered campaigns based on rules around up-sells and cross-sells in your business can significantly boost your customers’ lifetime value. The incremental sales all help improve your bottom line and with them running automatically in the background you can forget about them and get on with other value add activities.

3.     Test and optimise – don’t just set and forget

When it comes to building an automated-email series, half the battle is creating it and the other half involves testing and optimization to maximize your campaign ROI. Testing and optimization is the only way to ensure that your automated-email series is working effectively (and continues to work) for your specific target audience.

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Email marketing healthcheck

We are confident that we can help you, which is why we offer a free healthcheck to identify potential issues with your current programme and free advice on things that could be done to improve it.

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