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Reports FAQs

Reports FAQs

What is a Hardbounce?

A hardbounce is a failure in the delivery of an email due to the recipient's email address encountering a fatal, and permanent error. For example, the recipient's email address no longer exists.

Read more in our blog: Hard bounces vs soft bounces and what to do with them.

What is the difference between clicks and unique clicks?

A new click is counted every time someone clicks on a link from your campaign. Clicks are all clicks for a tracking link, whereas unique clicks are the number of the unique users that click on a tracking link of your campaign. If a single user clicks 5 times on a link, the servers will record 5 clicks and 1 unique click.   

How can I compare the success of different links on my campaign?

Both the Link Statistics and Click Overlay options on the report for your campaign will offer more insight into the popularity ranking of links. Link Statistics will offer the number and list of those who clicked on a particular link, whereas the Click Overlay is an augmented preview of your message, with a statistical overlay to visualise the different between each link on your design.

Why do some of my contacts show ALL links were clicked within a very short space of time? And (for clients who use CANDDi web analytics) why this activity is not showing in CANDDi?

e-shot™ click through analysis is based on URL links included in the email which when clicked, register a click through in the e-shot™ client’s database. In some cases, the email route to the end user passes through an Anti-SPAM service which simulates clicks on ALL the links in an email.

We are proactively working to prevent your click through reports from being affected by these methods when it is a known Anti-SPAM service, however if the service is run on the client’s own corporate mail server, it is impossible to exclude it from the statistics. So if you find a sudden increase of multiple clicks within your reports please contact us so that we can investigate it further.

What is a Softbounce?

A Softbounce is a failure in the delivery of an email due to the recipient's email address encountering a temporary problem but is known to exist. For example, the recipient's inbox was full.

Read more in our blog: Hard bounces vs soft bounces and what to do with them.  

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Email marketing healthcheck

We are confident that we can help you, which is why we offer a free healthcheck to identify potential issues with your current programme and free advice on things that could be done to improve it.

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